White, sparkling teeth are anyone’s dream of a perfect dentition. If our teeth didn’t come in contact with so much food, drinks, and other substances, we would have it better at maintaining white teeth. There’s only so much regular toothbrushing and flossing can do in this regard. You still have to go for teeth whitening near you once in a while. Let us see the ways to go about this procedure.
There are several teeth whitening systems. These include whitening toothpaste, gels, rinses, strips, trays, and in-office whitening. Each process works according to the strength of materials used and the expertise of the person doing the whitening. The state of your teeth matters a lot too. People who have healthy teeth and gums with no restorations(no fillings) stand to benefit more from teeth whitening. In-office teeth whitening is the best form of whitening you can get. It is performed by a dentist who uses materials that are stronger than what you will get over-the-counter. They also take extra precautions to ensure that the procedure is safe. We will now discuss the systems of teeth whitening in Bronxville in full detail.
Common toothpaste usually contains mild abrasives that remove surface stains. Whitening toothpaste goes a step further with gentle chemical agents that are more effective in removing surface stains. However, this is how deep whitening toothpaste can go. They cannot act on the color deep in the tooth. They lack hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide which are strong bleaching agents found in teeth whitening products. With whitening toothpaste, you can achieve teeth that are a shade lighter. With in-office teeth whitening in Bronxville, NY, this can rise as high as eight shades lighter than before.
You can get these over the counter. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid any complications. Gels are applied directly to the surface of the teeth. They contain peroxide that acts to lighten the color of the teeth. Strips are coated with a peroxide-based gel and applied to the surface of the teeth. Both products will bring results in a few days.
Whitening rinses are mouthwashes that contain peroxide. Just like mouthwashes, they freshen breath and prevent gum disease in addition to whitening the teeth. However, they are not very effective in whitening. This is because the time of contact between the products and the teeth is not long enough for considerable changes. All you need to do is swish the mouthwash around in your mouth for one minute. You can do this twice a day, making a total of two minutes daily. Compared to gels and strips, the period of contact with teeth limits the effectiveness of whitening rinses.
Going in for teeth whitening in Bronxville is the best way to go about whitening your teeth. The whitening product used in the dentist’s office is stronger than over-the-counter products. This is combined with heat or laser to achieve the intended effects. Within an hour of treatment, you will notice a clear difference in teeth color. However, you need to go in for more appointments to get the best of the process. It’s the costliest approach of all.
This depends on how well you can maintain it. You need to avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth. If you do this and get your treatment at a dentist’s office, the effects can last up to a year or more before you need another treatment. With other systems, effects last even less. Whitening gels and strips hardly last more than four months.
No. Children less than age 16 are not considered eligible for teeth whitening. The same goes for pregnant or lactating women. In children, teeth whitening can irritate the enlarged nerve of the tooth. People with sensitive teeth or allergies to peroxide should not attempt teeth whitening before consulting a dentist.
People who have gum disease, cavities, worn enamel, or exposed roots need to get treated before whitening. This is important to prevent a complication of pre-existing damage. The same goes for people who have had fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges, or any form of restoration. An attempt in these cases will result in uneven whitening.
Yellowish teeth respond best to whitening. Other colors respond poorly and darkly stained teeth are better off with other forms of cosmetic surgery.