Dental health professionals focus on ensuring your teeth remain in optimum health to last a long time. However, they may need to extract your teeth due to unavoidable issues. Read on to learn when tooth extraction in Bronxville is necessary and what it entails.
Your teeth can get damaged through decay or dental trauma. This may lead to severe dental pain, discomfort and chewing difficulties. When this happens, the dentist at general dentistry in Bronxville will treat the tooth. They will perform various procedures to correct the damage and restore functionality.
However, they may not be successful if the tooth is severely decayed or damaged. Therefore, the dentist will recommend pulling the tooth entirely out of its socket. This procedure is known as tooth extraction. The process may also be necessary if you have an impacted tooth or severe gum disease. Sometimes, they pull out a tooth or two as part of orthodontics.
There are two types of tooth extraction performed by a dentist, surgical and simple. Simple tooth extraction occurs when a substantial portion of the affected tooth is visible above the gums. The dentist will use dental tools known as elevators and forceps. They loosen the tooth and remove it from its alveolar socket.
A surgical extraction is more invasive as the dentist will need to cut into your gum near the tooth to remove it. Sometimes, they may remove the bone surrounding the tooth. In addition, they may section the tooth into small pieces for easier extraction. Fortunately, you will receive anesthesia before extraction to prevent pain. You will also get a sedative to keep you relaxed.
After tooth extraction in Bronxville, recovery will take a few days. Therefore, you must care for the site to enhance healing and prevent complications. The dentist will give you specific instructions, depending on the type of extraction and individual needs. Below are general instructions you can expect during recovery after a dental extraction.
Contact us at Bronxville Dentistry, Michael Aviel DDS, for a safe and painless tooth extraction. We also provide tooth restoration procedures such as dental implants, bridges and dentures.